Satisfied Puppy Owners
If you would like to share your experience with Sandhills Scotties please use the comment form at the bottom of this page. I would love to hear from you! If the bottom of the page does not work, you can send me an email.? Thank you!
If you have any questions please use the contact page to send me an e-mail!
Emails from 2014 puppy parents:
Robbie in Georgia writes:
Abby’s vet was so impressed with her.? She said that Abby had a great coat, good teeth, and great bone structure.? She said overall, Abby was one of the best puppies she had seen in a long time.? The vet said she was also on a good dog food.? (I have my dogs and puppies on Orijen). Abby’s owner said she is very social and loves everyone.
Emails received from 2012 puppy parents
Hi Jane,
MacDuff is doing wonderfully!? Our vet was so taken with him and said that he is perfect.? I’m sure that is no surprise to you.? Honestly, I believe he is the smartest dog I’ve ever adopted.? He slept with me on Thursday night, and when I introduced him to the crate yesterday, he went in readily, played in it, and allowed me to close the door as he chewed on his bully stick.? (By the way, the bully stick is SO my friend.? When Duff gets tired, he will chew on it as I sit beside him and fall asleep).? He slept in the crate on my bed last night without fuss.? He didn’t wake up until around 5:30 this morning, at which time I took him out to potty, and he quickly went back to sleep for another hour thereafter.
We’re still working on a schedule of napping, play, and potty time.? I’m sure it will all come together.
Ruby (our Doberman) and Duff are still checking each other out while I hold Duff.? Once we tried putting MacDuff on the floor, and he quickly barked and jumped at Ruby.? NO FEAR!!!? Ruby seemed a bit frightened but seems to respect that Duff is Mommy’s “new baby.”? We were able to get a small bag of TOW-Wetlands dry food today.? Thanks so much for the large bag of food and all of the goodies in Duff’s going home bag.? It was such a thoughtful gesture.? I’m also looking forward to reading my manual which I know will be invaluable.
Jane, I truly cannot thank you enough for your commitment and TLC evidenced in every aspect of the adoption of MacDuff.? Your love for your dogs and passion as a breeder are unsurpassed.? And I’m serious about bringing MacDuff back to visit if convenient for you.? After all, you and the pack are his first family.? I am so happy and blessed to be his other mom now, and I will love and care for him so as to make you, Scarlet, and Lance proud.
Meredith? (May 12, 2012)
Emails 2011
We are thrilled with MacDougal.? He is as sweet as he can be.? He was very good on the ride home and ate supper and has been playing with toys.? I know he will miss his sister at bedtime.
Thank you so much for the great notebook full of info.? What a wonderful thing to do, and we will enjoy having it.? It will be my “Scottie Dr. Spock.”? I love the bag and of course, thank you for the goodies.? Thanks for the cute shortbread.? I love scottie anything and have never seen the scottie shortbread before.
MacDougal is doing well with his potty training, thanks to you and the papers.? He knows what he is supposed to do outside and goes to the back door where I have the papers.? He has very few “accidents.”? He is a riot outside and loves to explore as you can guess.? He is really a beautiful puppy and such a love.? He sure has given us a new lease on life.
Dearest Jane and family,
We so much enjoyed being with you and Joel last Friday.? You are so like family to us.? We got Lizzie home, and she has been the best thing for us.? She sleeps with us and is doing great with the house training.? She has had a few mishaps but only when one forgets to follow the guidelines.? She has adapted really well with Rizzo the lab and Crooner the Pomeranian.? She is so much fun and seems to enjoy us too.? Thanks for everything.
Love to all,
Dear Jane,
Over 14 years ago your dog’s Jacques Oleary McGregor and Miss Molly Macguire II had a litter on 4-15-95 that included a male that, when?I met you, you called “Tanner.”? I was only 19 at the time newly married and newly moved to North Carolina and had a one year old male poodle terrier mix named Mo.? My husband at that time decided Mo needed a companion and we met with you in parking lot somewhere in Fayetteville NC to make the purchase.? The one thing I remember most about that meeting was you seemed concerned about the fact that we lived in a small apartment but allowed us to take the puppy anyway.? On paper he became Jefferson Tanner McCloud but was known as Jeff.? I promise to try to keep this as short as possible.? Early on he was the destroyer of furniture, I still have a few remaining pieces with teeth marks.? He and Mo were best friends always together.? Four and half years went by and when my husband came to me and said he wanted a divorce I didn’t ask him why, or to stay, my exact words were “I get the dogs.”? Lucky for me we had no children and he didn’t put up any fight for Mo or Jeff.? The next year and a half were hell trying to divorce the man who wanted to leave me (the grass wasn’t so green) and though what would seem to be the hardest time of my life so far, Mo and Jeff stuck by my side.? Even when I didn’t think I could get out of bed that day, I did, for them.? Even when it didn’t seem I had any reason to come home at night, I did, for them.? They were by my lonely side for the next 3 years until I met Justin and married a man who loved my dogs almost as much as me.? We have an 18 month old baby named Savanah now and Mo and Jeff were there to meet their “sister”?when she?came home from the hospital?in February?2008.? On November 12, 2008 after a long battle with heart disease we lost Mo.? He was almost 15.? It didn’t take long to notice the impact this had on Jeff.? At 14 and half years old he was almost deaf, incontinent, and grieving the loss of his best bud.? The vet found a small mass on his prostate and within a month it had grown and spread to his bladder and rendered him unable to walk.? On September 12, 2009 we chose to end Jeff’s suffering.? I decided to write to you and tell you this because as much as I know I will always think about Jeff I began to think how often you must wonder about the puppies you breed.? I wanted you to know that if you were worried that day I purchased Jeff from you, you didn’t have to be.? You will never know the impact that day had in my life and until the last 2 days I didn’t know it’s depth.? Because of Mo and Jeff I have known true unconditional LOVE.? They were there for me till the end of their lives and I held them both as they passed and I now know that this is the hardest time of my life so far.? I want to thank you for giving me such a wonderful friend.? I want you to know that he, as I’m sure all of your dogs are, was loved.
?Hi Jane!
I want to tell you how much I love the two beautiful puppies I got from you.? They are wonderful dogs–so healthy, loving, and calm.? They both have such wonderful personalities and are growing into truly beautiful dogs.? I know that they will be a joy all their lives!? I am so happy that I bought the dogs from you–you are an excellent breeder, and I would recommend you to anyone.? Thank you too, for your kindness in helping me with the puppies until I got back from France.? That was really nice of you and made such a difference with me!? When I get back your way (around Thanksgiving) I will call you and come by so you can have a visit with the puppies.? See you soon and many, many thanks again for the precious Scotties!
Becca, in Virginia
Hi Jane!
Thanks so much for the update. I had been wondering if Sadie had started showing yet. Sounds like she is doing beautifully! I meant to write you to thank you for sending over the health guarantee a while back and answering all my questions. Just to be clear, I want to let you know why I asked about taking dogs back. I’ve read on numerous occasions that a breeder’s policy is very telling of how the breeder operates and that the best breeders take dogs back at any age. Your answer was just what I wanted to hear; it only further emphasized how dear your dogs are to you and that you don’t want to place a pup with someone who is unsure as to whether or not they are prepared for such a huge commitment. I want to reassure you that after years of research, thought, and a mild obsession:) I’m definitely ready for a pup, especially one of yours. When we left your house, i actually teared up because I was so excited and felt in my gut that this was the right next step. So anyway, thank YOU for trusting me with one of your future pups. I am so incredibly excited! Hope you and Joel are doing great! My love to all the dogs!
Dear Jane,
We are in Love with our two Scottish Terrier pups. They are the most loving boys we have ever met. Dave and I have looked at other pups on other web sites and were impressed by yours with its description of the personalities of the dogs. We had the privilege of meeting the dam and sire when we came to pick up the pups. We saw first hand the playful nature of Sir William Wallace with his willingess to play fetch for ever along with the sweet personality of Sadie Macbeth. Both these wonderful traits have been passed down to our pups. We loved that you owned both the dam and the sire and think the home atmosphere they are born into and then raised in makes such a big difference. We were convinced that we had made the right decision in choosing Herrons Sandhills Scotties as our breeder. Our pups, Zeus and Monty are the perfect addition. We are enjoying these loving animals every day. Thank you for all of your help and openness to share all that puppy information we needed to start these boys off on the right paw.
Warm Regards
Ruth and David Doremus
Hi, Jane!
This is Faith from Lumberton. Just wanted you to know that Macduff, our Scottie we purchased from you two years ago, is the best dog we have ever had. He is everything you say in your description and more. He is smart and sooooo loving. Thanks for making our purchase and the transition from your home to ours so easy. You are a great breeder to work with.
It was probably the most difficult decision we had to make, moving from New Jersey to Virginia. This in our son Adam’s senior year. When it came time for senior personality pictures our son’s interests are vast, track, playing saxophone, acting, singing, etc…. all significant parts of our son’s life. Yet when we asked him what he wanted in his personality portrait, he told us he wanted “the boys” in his picture. Zeus and Monty are “the boys” our one year old perfect Scottish Terriers. They were there for Adam all summer long by his side and full of fun and affection. When he was down, Zeus and Monty just seemed to know. They would jump up and sit on his lap, shoulder, or lay across his head hugging him. With their soulful eyes they said, we love you buddy. We have learned through a tumultuous year that “our boys” are the best. We don’t know where we would be with out their unwavering love and affection. I am grateful that I came across Herron’s Sandhills Scotties a little over a year ago. We just adore “our boys”. And our sons are ok too. Our sons 18 and 21 hug us on occasion, but Zeus and Monty literally put their paws on our shoulders when we sit next to them and lay their head on our shoulder as if to say here is a hug. Visitors and dog sitters are in awe of them.
Ruth M. Doremus
Dear Jane,
Chloe is so sweet and was loving from the very start. She was a little hard to potty train at first especially when the ground was wet. She didn’t want her feet to touch the moisture. Also, she would get so excited everytime our grandchildren would come that we would have to calm her down before they could play with her. She learned early on not to get on the furniture, very easy to train and sleeps in her own bed every night. All we have to say is it’s time to go to bed Chloe, and she heads for her special place. Chloe is beautiful, and we get lots of compliments on her when we have her out. She goes to the side of the bed every morning, jumps up and scratches until her dad wakes up and pets her head a little. We couldn’t be more thrilled with this little loving baby doll Chloe! Our lab has taught her that it is ok to walk in water…we are also amazed to see that she loves heights and will walk on the edge of walls, etc. Snow was a favorite of hers as well.
Thank you,
Shirley from Kings Mountain, NC
Hi Jane,
Elaine and I would like to thank you so much for our little angel, Riley.? She is the sweetest thing you could ever imagine.? Like I said when I initially talked with you, I had to put my Scottie to sleep after eleven years.? Woody was very good-natured with both people and other animals.? I had read and been told by others, that not all Scotties are good with other animals.? But, after talking with you of how the parents were, I was convinced.? I was very impressed with talking to you.? You just seemed to have a genuine love for the animals.? I had looked at many breeders, some much closer than you, but my mind was set.? We were very happy with the notebook you had for us with the essential potty training guide, plus a little photo album with Riley’s pictures from birth to present, a Scottie bandana, and a puppy toy like the one Riley was used to playing with.? I wasn’t expecting anything.? To me, you went above and beyond what was required.? If there is anyone looking for a Scottie, I would highly recommend you to them.
Best regards,
Jim and Elaine Reszke
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Hi Jane,
The puppy was so good traveling.? She was calm the whole way.? The longer we drove, the more relaxed she got.? At night we put her in her crate, and she did not cry at all.? We can’t get over how good she is.? We couldn’t be more pleased with her and the way you take care of them.? You can see the love.? Thanks again.
Jim and Elaine
Port St. Lucie, Florida
Hi Jane,
Just got back from the vet for initial checkup.? Winston was so mellow he fell asleep on the exam table.? Our vet thought he was amazing.? He is doing great.? No sign of parasites as you know.? He goes back Tuesday for his 9 week booster shot, and we start him on his heart worm tomorrow.? He is sooooo smart.? We can’t get over that.? Brodie is a bit jealous although we are trying to be as active and loving with her as always.? They’ll work it out.? He is sleeping and eating well.? Very well adjusted.? Breeding and breeder will tell.? We are very pleased.? We will send photos soon,
Dena ( 9/20/16) Mt. Pleasant, SC
Hi Jane,
I just wanted to thank you again for using the crate with your puppies.? You have made our lives so much easier with Abby.? After the first night she has slept in her crate.? We have bought her a crate that’s much bigger than her size so she has lots of room to move around.? She loves it.? Abby brings so much love and joy to us.? It’s hard to imagine life without her.? Thank you again for the care you gave her.? She is an awesome little dog.
Gail (9/20/16)
Wanted to let you know how much joy Stella has brought our family.? Also, in her recent vet visit she received high marks on everything.? The vet said she was definitely show quality and that she was very smart.? She has slept all night since the day we got her.? She loves to travel like us and visit new places.
Keven (10/5/16)
My Heather has to be the most perfectly proportioned and beautiful Scottie I have ever had.? I love the beautiful brindle coat and her incredible personality!
Polly ( 2017)
We are so happy with all aspects of our relationship with Herron’s Sandhills Scotties.? We so appreciated your regular check ins with guidance on diet and travel tips.? We looked up your website daily.
Larry and Julie, MA (2018)
Halle is amazing.? Grant told her to sit, stay, while he fed grain to the four horses about thirty yards from Halle.? She stayed!!! Sitting obediently till he came back probably five minutes later!!!? At least!? I’ve had Scotties for almost twenty years; she’s the most trainable, obedient Scottie I’ve had…so earnest, so loving, sweet, sweet baby girl.? Thank you from the bottom of my heart.? We love her so much!!!? Halle is just wonderful!!! Thank you so much for breeding such a balanced, loving, intelligent dog.? She’s amazing, and we love her so much.? A perfect representative of the breed.? Halle loves to play outside, sleep on laps watching TV, snuggle all night on the bed, and also at nap time.? Thank you, again!
Gretchen, TX (2018)
Fin had his first grooming appointment today. ? He had a blast!? Played with everyone and every animal.? He is such a good boy and is doing amazingly well with his training.? Can’t thank you enough for adding a wonderful member to our family.
Betsy, VA (2018)
I mustn’t fail to say how wonderful our nine month old MacGregor is.? He is the delight in our lives, and we love him so very much.? He certainly has the cutest personality and is so loving.? I can say that your puppies are the very best, and I do believe all those who have taken one are in love with theirs as we are with our baby.
Barbara, NC (2018)
Dr. Moore in Florida writes (Aug. 2018):
Doolittle is the best dog ever.? He is always happy.? He runs everywhere, because everything is important.? It is true that we spoiled him rotten, but he is just a great dog.? He loves his mama and she loves him, and even though I wrote the check, spent the night with him for his first several weeks, and feed him, he is a mama’s boy.? They really bonded to each other.
Like all of the six Scotties I have owned, he has his peculiar quirks.? He is the only Scottie that really “hugs” you.? He puts his chest on your chest and wraps his arms around your neck.? All the others just put their paws on your chest, but Doolittle really hugs you.? Then he nibbles your ears.? I have no idea where he learned that behavior.? (His sire, Brodie, does that to me).
He is not fat but does have a barrel chest.? He has a handsome face.? He is the only Scottie I have had where his tail is always upright, never down.
I would like six more Doolittles. ? I thought that if you breed his parents again, I would buy the whole litter.? I would like to be on your list for a little black female Scottie.? (Dr, Moore adopted the only black female that Brodie and Heather Claire had born 2/13/20).? Lucy:
Hi Jane,
I want to give you an update on Mason coming up on his first birthday, June 2, (2019).? He is the easiest puppy to raise and train I have ever had.? He walks obediently on the leash and poops and pees without marking.? The groomer loves him and says he’s so easy, submissive and obedient, waits patiently on the table and never cries or squirms.? Mason is so loving and devoted; he follows me everywhere and snuggles on my lap every evening.? His half-sister, Halle, is also a wonderful dog.? She’s very vivacious and affectionate.? They are both respectful of the horses and love all the members of our barn family.? I want to thank you for breeding these beautiful, quality Scotties.? They have changed and enhanced our lives immensely.
Thank you, thank you!!
Gretchen, Texas
Hello Dear Jane,
We want you to know how well out little girl is doing!? She is so very sweet natured and a HUGE kisser!? She is so much more than we prayed for!? She knows hot to sit and come but just can’t quite get stay yet, but we’re working on it.? She’s quite the eater and knows exactly what time breakfast and dinner are.? When she sees me get her bowl, she runs back to where the food is, dancing and barking…saying hurry up Mom!!!? We are enjoying her so much.? Gary especially loves that she greets him at the door every night with a wagging tail, very excited to see him.? What a treasure she is! (Fiona out of Tori and Brodie, 4/28/20)
Donna, Gary, and Fiona, North Carolina
Finley was born November 13, 2017.? We brought him home to Forest, Virginia in January 2018.? He is a wonderful dog – good natured and so loving.? We are just thrilled to have him in our family.? Thanks so much. (Tori and Brodie)
Betsy and Chris
Hi Jane,
Mabel (Morgan and Brodie, 3/26/21) is wonderful.? She and Baxter (Roxie and Brodie, 6/2/19) are best buddies.? She has the sweetest personality but such a lively little girl…full of energy and a bit of mischief.? She’s house training very well.? I am so happy that I got her when I did.? She and Baxter are both just the best dogs!? You are a gifted Scottie breeder.
We just love Gallagher. We are so blessed with him. I truly believe God brought us to you to get him. I am so thankful that he was in your home before coming to us. Thank you for this opportunity. He just “fits” us. He has a wonderful disposition.
(Merrybelle and Bagpiper, 1/4/24)
When my husband and I first visited Ms. Herron
and met her clan of Scotties, we knew that she was
the best breeder we had visited and that her Scotties
had character, humor, and sweetness.
We are now the joyful parents of our new puppy,
Gabriel. We cannot sing enough praises about him!
Gabriel is smart, funny, affectionate and friendly.
We were under a mandatory evacuation during the
recent hurricane Florence and he traveled beautifully
and socialized with whomever he met.
I know that we made the best choice when we decided
upon a Sandhills Scottie. Words cannot begin to express
what a delightful and loving pup our little Gabriel is!
Dear Jane, our Brodie from last November has reached his eight month age and is a wonderful dog. He has learned to jump onto our chairs, puts his paws on our shoulders and licks every inch of our faces, ears and necks, he is the most affectionate Scottie we have ever had. He had to go to obedience training for two months because he kept insisting that he was the
Dear Jane,
What a joy our Fiona is! At 9 weeks, she had learned